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People of FCCPT

FCCPT is managed and operated by a team of dedicated individuals whose knowledge, experience and commitment is unsurpassed.


Together our people have more than 125 years of experience in foreign education credentialing.

01 Experience
Employee Tenure

The average tenure of an FCCPT credential evaluator is ten (10) years. Lack of turnover significantly improves our ability to deliver fast, accurate, and reliable service.

02 Employee Tenure
Full-Time Employees

Other agencies hire contract employees. FCCPT has dedicated teams of full-time employees focused on providing services in their specific area of expertise.

03 Full-Time Employees
Service Commitment

We make sure information is easy to access, work is completed as fast as possible, and reviews are conducted as accurately as possible.

04 Service Commitment
Ethical Conduct

Our people carry out our mission in an honest and straightforward manner. We do the right thing, hold ourselves accountable and in the process, earn the trust of others.

05 Ethical Conduct

Our team is built for success

Our team is made up of a Board of Directors, Quality Review Committee, and staff experienced in the realm of foreign education and credentials evaluation. Each team member plays an important role in providing the highest quality of service to our customers.

FCCPT Board of Directors:

  • Five (5) physical therapists
  • One (1) public member

Board's role is to set policy and guide the overall development and direction of the organization. The Board conducts meetings quarterly, or as needed.

FCCPT Quality Review Committee (QRC):

  • Four (4) physical therapist voting members and
  • One (1) board liaison from FCCPT.

The QRC reviews service outcomes and board-approved policy as it applies to the credentials review process and administers a board-approved quality assurance program.