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PLAN Services

Planned Learning and Assistance Network (PLAN)

The Planned Learning and Assistance Network (PLAN) is an advisory service that identifies options to supplement an applicant's education in order to meet the minimum requirements for U.S. educational equivalency or jurisdictional requirements.

What is PLAN used for?

PLAN assists physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs) to identify and/or complete academic deficiencies as part of the licensure process.

Types of PLAN Services available

Three (3) different PLAN Services are available. Click the appropriate PLAN to learn more.

PLAN Standard

  • Comprehensive assistance and guidance from a PLAN Advisor after an FCCPT evaluation has been completed.


  • Comprehensive assistance and guidance from a PLAN Advisor after an FCCPT evaluation has been completed. One Re-evaluation is included with the service.

PLAN Incremental

  • Limited guidance from a PLAN Advisor after an FCCPT evaluation, or a review from another credentialing organization, has been completed.